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Jesus never ever was seeking his own will, or his own glory nor did he ever exalt himself in any way shape or form as the Trinitarian swaggering Jesus routinely does. Rather, the true and genuine Jesus totally humbled himself completely surrendering himself to his God from whom all good comes seeking only to do his Father’s good not his own will. Jesus knew all good came from his God and for that reason at Mark 10:18 he responded to this man who called him GOOD Teacher by saying, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.” Jesus was indeed a teacher but his teaching was not his own but came from his God and he did not speak from himself. John 7:16-18
“I will put MY words in his mouth.”
Deut 18:15-18; Acts 3:22-26But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, not the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 24:36
During his earthly ministry, Jesus revealed the mysteries of the Kingdom to his disciples, those who followed him. He was not keeping secrets from anyone but teaching all who would follow him. But the unrepentant heart cannot know and comprehend the things of the Kingdom of God. You must come to Jesus and follow him to know these mysteries. Since Jesus has rose again, those mysteries of the Kingdom are revealed by the Spirit to those who are born of God through His word in the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:9ff. Men are enlightened by the Spirit of God in their hearts not the theological wisdom of men. But the Gnostic mentality supposes there is a deep secret theological wisdom hidden in the Scriptures to discover and be enlightened. Such are those of Trinity world who suppose there is a 3 person God secretly hiding among the pages of Scripture….. among other things. But God does not keep the good gifts of the Kingdom from any of the followers of Jesus. Matthew 7:7-12. The world’s liars want to know the mysteries of the Kingdom but that is impossible so they delude themselves into supposing they can obtain that wisdom of God by their own reasonings but they cannot. It must come from God Himself who gives us His word by His Spirit to guide us into all the truth.