How we explained the Oneness of God and the relationship that existed between God and Christ (especially now that Jesus is in Heaven) has historically been a problem for “Oneness” and “Trinitarians” alike. As individuals mature and become more knowledgeable in the Word of God our understanding increases and sooner or later it becomes apparent that factors exist that many of our Christian based churches are just not addressing. It is the goal of this ministry is to shed some light on traditionally held principles and doctrines that are not scripturally based, Separating Truth from Tradition so that we all come into a greater understanding of God’s word and walk accordingly. Understanding the difference between the Oneness of God, Jesus the Man and the God in Christ is vitally important because there is a big difference saying God was “in” the flesh body of a man named Jesus vs God transforming himself to “appear” as a man (in which case he would not be totally human and he would not be the true seed of David). — Pastor Kevin M. Gregg, Truth Ministries Apostolic Faith Church, |


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